
  • 速水御舟「女二題・其一」1931年(福島県立美術館所蔵、     東京美術「アート・ビギナーズ・コレクション」より))速水御舟「女二題・其一」1931年(福島県立美術館所蔵、     東京美術「アート・ビギナーズ・コレクション」より))
  • 1911年速水御舟(左)と、画塾仲間の牛田鶏村(中)、小茂田青樹(右)(左同書籍より)1911年速水御舟(左)と、画塾仲間の牛田鶏村(中)、小茂田青樹(右)(左同書籍より)

Gyoshu Hayami  Continued to be at the forefront of modern Japanese art
速水御舟 近代日本美術の先頭を走り続けた

Gyoshu Hayami enrolled in Kaede Matsumoto at Angado Juku and met Shiko Imamura. It was Gyoshu youth. Shiko admired Sotatsu Tawaraya and used a free and lively painting style that incorporated Impressionism and Yamato-e, which Gyoshu also learned from. '' Dancing Flames'' and '' Two Women'' after returning to Europe, he produced a series of works ranging from realistic depictions to human expressions.

  • 前田青邨「細川ガラシャ夫人」1974年(「新潮日本美術文庫36」より)前田青邨「細川ガラシャ夫人」1974年(「新潮日本美術文庫36」より)
  • 前田青邨 1967年(左 同書籍より)前田青邨 1967年(左 同書籍より)

Studying the modernization of Japanese painting with friends Ⅱ
Seison Maeda
日本画の近代化を友と研鑽Ⅱ 前田青邨

Seison Maeda was born in 1885. At the age of 16, he entered Hanko Kajita, learned from Kokei Kobayashi, the head of the school, and then entered Kojikai with Kokei. In 1922, Seison traveled to Europe with Kokei as an exchange student at the Japan Art Institute, where he spent 50 days at the British Museum making copies and honing his skills. In later years, Seison painted a series of portraits of people, and the ``Portrait of Madame Hosokawa Garasha,'' commissioned by the Roman Curia, was painted by Seison at the age of 89, and it is a work that gives a sense of divinity.

  • 小林古径「加賀鳶」1909年(朝日新聞社生誕110年記念 図録より)小林古径「加賀鳶」1909年(朝日新聞社生誕110年記念 図録より)
  • 小林古径 1949年(左 同図録より)小林古径 1949年(左 同図録より)

Studying the modernization of Japanese painting with friends Ⅱ
Kokei Kobayashi
日本画の近代化を友と研鑽Ⅱ 小林古径

Kokei Kobayashi was born in 1883. At the age of 16, he studied under Hanko Kajita, and later joined Kojikai, where he established the foundation with fellow student Seison Maeda. Afterwards, he and Seison were involved in the revival of the Japan Art Institute, which had lost its respected Tenshin Okakura, and produced a series of works."Kaga Tobi'' was exhibited at the Japan-British Exhibition held in London in 1910.It is said that Sankei Hara particularly admired"Poppies". In 1922, Kokei went to Europe as a student at the Japan Art Institute, where he departed from conventional Western realism and perfected his own unique Kokei technique, which could be called ``neoclassicism,'' incorporating techniques from classical Eastern painting.

  • 安田靫彦「黄瀬川陣」上:右隻 1941年/下:左隻 1941年              ( 東京国立近代美術館所蔵 図録より)   安田靫彦「黄瀬川陣」上:右隻 1941年/下:左隻 1941年            ( 東京国立近代美術館所蔵 図録より)   
  • 1941年 制作にのぞむ安田靫彦( 東京国立近代美術館 図録より)1941年 制作にのぞむ安田靫彦( 東京国立近代美術館 図録より)

Studying the modernization of Japanese painting with friends Ⅰ
Yukihiko Yasuda
日本画の近代化を友と研鑽Ⅰ 安田靫彦

Shiko-kai, founded by Yasuda Yukihiko, changed its name to Koji-kai when Shiko Imamura joined the group, and produced many important figures in the modernization of Japanese painting, such as Kokei Kobayashi, Seison Maeda, and Gyoshu Hayami. . In 1907, Yasuda Yukihiko was recognized by Okakura Tenshin and invited to the Japan Art Institute Research Institute, and Imamura Shiko was also recommended by Yukihiko, and Tenshin agreed to participate in the production at the institute. However, Shiko Imamura suddenly passed away at the young age of 35. Inheriting Shiko's will to innovate modern Japanese painting, Yukihiko devoted himself to the study of the classics, producing many works that gave history paintings and still life paintings a distinctive dignity, and lived a long life of 94 years.

  • 今村紫紅「時宗」1908年(東京国立近代美術館 図録より)今村紫紅「時宗」1908年(東京国立近代美術館 図録より)
  • 安田靫彦「今村紫紅像」1916年(東京国立博物館所蔵 図録より)安田靫彦「今村紫紅像」1916年(東京国立博物館所蔵 図録より)

Studying the modernization of Japanese painting with friends Ⅰ
Shiko Imamura
日本画の近代化を友と研鑽Ⅰ 今村紫紅

In the early Meiji period, the modernization of Japanese painting by Tenshin Okakura and Ernest Fenollosa, who sought to break away from the conventionality of Japanese painting, began by taking the Kano school as its origin and making improvements to it. Yukihiko Yasuda was sensitive to these new movements and, together with Shiko Imamura, sought to modernize Japanese painting using Yamato-e as a starting point. Therefore, Shiko Imamura took on the challenge of new painting methods, freely incorporating Impressionist colors and Rinpa techniques. Yukihiko Yasuda gave Japanese paintings an easygoing style based on bright, rich colors and realism that could be called ``neoclassicalism.''

  • 355年ぶりに建て替えられた神門355年ぶりに建て替えられた神門
  • 例大祭で献上された御献酒例大祭で献上された御献酒

Saketoke no Kami of Ōyamazumi Shrine

The deity enshrined at Oyamazumi Shrine on Omishima Island in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture is Oyamazumi no Okami, the elder deity of Amaterasu Omikami. When Konohanasakuya-hime no Mikoto gave birth to the child of Ninigi no Mikoto, Ōyamazumi no Ōkami, her father, is said to have made sake (Ame no Tamuzake) using rice provided by Ninigi no Mikoto and served it. This event is considered the beginning of sake brewing, and thus, Ōyamazumi no Ōkami is worshipped as Saketoke no Kami, and Konohanasakuya-hime no Mikoto as Saketokeno ko no Kami, both revered as deities of sake brewing. While Ōyamazumi Shrine is famous as a shrine of sea gods, mountain gods, and gods of war, it is also unexpectedly revered as the oldest shrine for brewing in Japan. During the annual grand festival, sake offerings are presented by breweries from all over the country.

  • 小平市「平櫛田中 彫刻美術館」に続く道にて小平市「平櫛田中 彫刻美術館」に続く道にて
  • 田中98歳の時に完成した「九十八叟院(きゅうじゅうはちそういん)」※叟は翁の意田中98歳の時に完成した「九十八叟院(きゅうじゅうはちそういん)」※叟は翁の意

Denchu ​​Hirakushi, a sculptor who continued to be active throughout his 106-year-old life
106歳の生涯で活躍し続けた彫刻家 平櫛田中

Sculptor Hirakushi Denchu is from Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture. He liked the climate of Tamagawa Josui and Musashino in Tokyo, and early on purchased land in Kodaira City as a future retreat. Currently located there are the Hirakushi Denchu ​​Sculpture Museum and the Kyujuhachiso-in Memorial Hall. His masterpiece, ``Kagami-shishi,'' is a nearly 2-meter-long masterpiece modeled after the 6th generation Onoe Kikugoro.It took about 20 years to create and was completed when Denchu was 86 years old. Currently, due to the reconstruction of the National Theater in Tokyo, the work has returned to its hometown for the first time in 20 years and has been on display at the Hirakushi Denchu ​​Art Museum in Ibara City, Okayama for about five and a half years.

  • 三輪山を御神体とする「大神神社」三輪山を御神体とする「大神神社」
  • 伊勢神宮の東側、二見興玉神社からの日の出伊勢神宮の東側、二見興玉神社からの日の出

Yamato Kingdom and Ise

After the mid-3rd century, when the Queen of Wa, Himiko, passed away, the Yamato kingdom was established at Matimuki, at the foot of Mt. Miwa in Nara. They became politically connected to a wide range of local ruling families. This can be seen in the large number of large keyhole-shaped tumuli that can be seen at the Matimuki ruins, which can be considered national projects at the time, and are spread throughout the area. Mt. Miwa, where the Yamato monarchy was located, has been worshiped since ancient times as the mountain where the sun rises and where the gods dwell, and Ise, located due east of Mt. Miwa, was chosen as the place where the sun rises. Ise Grand Shrine is dedicated to Amaterasu, the god of the sun.

  • 大国主命を祀る出雲大社 他の神社とは左右逆のしめ縄大国主命を祀る出雲大社 他の神社とは左右逆のしめ縄
  • 2000年に発掘された直径3mの柱から想像した巨大神殿模型    (島根県立古代出雲歴史博物館より)2000年に発掘された直径3mの柱から想像した巨大神殿模型    (島根県立古代出雲歴史博物館より)

Izumo Taisha Shrine and Yamato Kingdom

In the latter half of the 3rd century, the Yamato monarchy in Makimuki built huge tumuli one after another, and the relationship between the Yamato government and Izumo seems to have deepened, as more than 40 keyhole-shaped tombs were built in Izumo. In Izumo, royal power was born in the Yayoi period, rice cultivation began, and thanks to the Tsushima Current, Izumo was the first to adopt the latest continental culture, so from the Yamato royal power's perspective, it seems that there were areas that needed attention. In addition, there is a theory that from the perspective of the Yamato kingdom, it was considered a terrifying place, a land of hell where the sun sets.

  • 入り口の石碑に「夢窓国師古道場」入り口の石碑に「夢窓国師古道場」
  • 岩盤をもちいた庭園は、書院庭園のさきがけだったそうです岩盤をもちいた庭園は、書院庭園のさきがけだったそうです

A garden using bedrock to take advantage of the topography
Muso Soseki's 「Zuisenji Garden」
地形を活かし岩盤をもちいた庭 夢窓疎石「瑞泉寺庭園」

Muso Soseki (Musō Kokushi) was a Zen monk who also created many gardens. Muso Soseki's gardens are famous for Kyoto's Tenryu-ji Temple and Koke-dera Temple, but the Zuisenji Garden in Kamakura has a different texture from those gardens, and is a garden that is suited to the Kamakura stone bedrock, topography, and geology. The garden, which overturns the general concept of gardens expressed through plants, stones, and water, is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and is located in a location where you can see Mt. Fuji from the only open area to the west. A large cave was carved into the north bedrock, and the hole dug on the east side is said to have been a place for zazen meditation. The location, where Sagami Bay forms a natural pond at the base of Mt. Fuji, makes use of nature and represents the state of Zen, was probably an appropriate location for a dojo.

  • 国宝「東塔」奈良時代 創建時の東西双塔の現存は當麻寺だけです国宝「東塔」奈良時代 創建時の東西双塔の現存は當麻寺だけです
  • 国宝「西塔」平安時代国宝「西塔」平安時代

「Taima Temple」ancient temple in Nara

It was founded 1,400 years ago, and it is said that Prince Shotoku's younger brother, Prince Maroko, ran a temple in Kawachi before Taima Kunimi moved it to the foothills of Mt. The legend of Princess Chujo has been passed down at this temple, and it is said that Princess Chujo, with the blessings of Kannon Bodhisattva, wove a gigantic ``Tsuruori Taima Mandala'' with lotus thread dyed in five colors in one night. . This is the legend of the Taima Mandala, a national treasure that is said to have continued to teach people the teachings of the Pure Land through painting. It is said that Chusho Hime became a nun at Taima Temple, where women were not allowed at the time, and passed away to the Pure Land at a young age.Women were also able to pass there, and the temple became connected to the Amida faith and became a temple with a wide range of sects.

  • 350段程の石段を登り楼門をくぐると奥に荘厳な佇まいの「金堂」350段程の石段を登り楼門をくぐると奥に荘厳な佇まいの「金堂」
  • 本尊・薬師如来像 (写真は「神護寺」図録より)本尊・薬師如来像 (写真は「神護寺」図録より)

Jingoji Temple「神護寺」

Jingo-ji Temple was built in 824 when Takaosan-ji Temple, founded by Wake Kiyomaro, the chief architect of Heiankyo, was combined with Jingan-ji Temple in Kawachi. During the time of Takausan-ji Temple, Saicho and Kukai, two of the leading figures in Japanese Buddhism, entered the temple and deepened their faith through esoteric Buddhism, giving rise to a new style of Tendai and Shingon that replaced Nara Buddhism. The standing statue of Yakushi Nyorai, the main image with a history of about 1,200 years, is clearly different from the gorgeous ones of Nara Buddhism, and its sharp eyes, curved red lips, and heavy body give it a sense of severity and dignity. It is a powerful statue that praises people, and it is a simple and powerful statue made from a single piece of thatch from the esoteric Buddhism era.

  • 四天王寺の中門から五重塔、金堂、講堂を望む四天王寺の中門から五重塔、金堂、講堂を望む
  • ムクの木に潜み逃れた聖徳太子像(厩戸皇子)。大聖勝軍寺にてムクの木に潜み逃れた聖徳太子像(厩戸皇子)。大聖勝軍寺にて

Osaka's old temple「Shitennoji」- Built over 1400 years ago -
大阪の古寺「四天王寺」 -今から1400年以上前に建立-

In ancient times, the Mononobe clan boasted a great power centered around Yao Kawachi, and its leader was Moriya Mononobe, who made use of unique magical techniques. The person who challenged Moriya was Soga Umako, a powerful family from Nara whose wife was Moriya's sister. Umako appointed Moriya as the head of an anti-Buddhist force against the Imperial Household, which was becoming increasingly interested in Buddhism at the time, and engaged the Imperial Household, including Prince Umado, in a fierce battle. Moriya died in what is now Morinomiya.
It is said that at the idea of ​​Prince Umado, who believed that the head of the Moriya magic spell would bring great disaster, he carved out the Tamatsukuri cliff and built Shitennoji, Japan's first Buddhist temple to repose the souls of spirits. The current location is a temple that was later destroyed by woodpeckers and rebuilt in the ruins of Mt. Chausu.

  • 「アリスの庭」と呼ばれる心地よい館内の中庭「アリスの庭」と呼ばれる心地よい館内の中庭
  • 市民の憩いの場所、台原森林公園にある「緑の風」市民の憩いの場所、台原森林公園にある「緑の風」

Churyo Sato, the sculptor who created the city's brand
都市のブランドをつくり上げた彫刻家 佐藤忠良

Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. The Sato Churyo Memorial Museum of Art is attached to the Miyagi Prefectural Museum of Art, located on the banks of the Hirose River. Sculptor Churyo Sato has deeply explored the relationship between society and art. With the theme of ``Sculpture Town Development Project,'' the cityscape that combines zelkova trees and sculptures has now become synonymous with Sendai. The museum is currently closed for renovations until July 2025, but his work can still be seen throughout the city.

  • 柔らかな表情の間仕切り柔らかな表情の間仕切り
  • 新緑の中の聴竹居新緑の中の聴竹居

Balance that resonates with your physical senses, Kouji Fujii 「Chochikukyo」

This house was built in 1928 as the home of architect Kouji Fujii. With the idea of ​​creating an architecture suited to Japan's climate, they continued to conduct various tests. We continued to look at Japan's environment and housing in the form of "experimental housing." At the time, Art Deco and modernist architecture were at the cutting edge, but buildings were built that valued Japan's unique architectural style rather than imitating Western ones, and took advantage of the beauty of natural materials such as wood, earth, and bamboo. It can also be described as a house with a balance that resonates with the senses of the body.
京都、大山崎。緑に囲まれた丘に建っている、木造のモダニズム建築「聴竹居(ちょうちくきょ)」。1928年に建築家・藤井厚二が自邸として建てた住宅です。藤井厚二は ‟日本の気候風土にあった建築を“という考えのもと様々な検証をし続け、日本の環境と住宅のありかたを「実験住宅」という形で検証し続けた建築家です。その当時はアールデコやモダニズム建築が最先端でしたが、欧米の真似ではない日本独自の建築様式を大切にし、木や土、竹などの自然の素材そのものの美しさを生かして造られています。建物の内部と外部の境界線が曖昧になり、季節によるうつろいの雰囲気と変化を体感できます。

  • 室内から庭を望む室内から庭を望む
  • 波を模したモダンなふすま波を模したモダンなふすま

Mirei Shigemori, a representative gardener of the Showa era

Mirei Shigemori is a representative gardener of the Showa era. After studying Japanese painting at the Japan Academy of Fine Arts and researching ikebana and tea ceremony, I studied gardening on my own. His representative works include Tofukuji Honbo Garden. This is Mirei Shigemori's garden and Koukokuan, which was designed by Mirei himself. The sliding doors in the room have a modern and stylish checkerboard pattern that resembles waves, creating a space that feels both still and dynamic at the same time. The garden that can be seen from the shoin also has a dynamic atmosphere, with alternating rows of rocks. Although the garden is not that large, as it is the garden of a private residence, it has been designed to give a sense of depth.

  • 竹内栖鳳 (図録「竹内栖鳳 破壊と創生のエネルギー」より)竹内栖鳳 (図録「竹内栖鳳 破壊と創生のエネルギー」より)
  • 「南清風色」1926年頃(京都国立近代美術館蔵)「南清風色」1926年頃(京都国立近代美術館蔵)

Takeuchi Seiho pursues innovative Japanese painting

Seiho Takeuchi was born in Kyoto in 1864. At the age of 36, he traveled to Europe to observe Western art, and actively adopted its realism, light expression, and color. Afterwards, he published a large-scale work depicting a lion from the Antwerp Zoo in Belgium in a realistic manner. He became a teacher and worked hard to teach younger students such as Chikkyo Ono, pursuing a new era of painting methods.

  • 小野竹喬(笠岡市立竹喬美術館図録より)小野竹喬(笠岡市立竹喬美術館図録より)
  • 「ボルゲーゼの庭」1922年(笠岡市立竹喬美術館蔵)「ボルゲーゼの庭」1922年(笠岡市立竹喬美術館蔵)

Ono Chikkyo
studied under Seiho Takeuchi and flourished in the artistic climate.

Chikkyo Ono was born in Kasaoka City in 1889. At the age of 14, he entered the school of Seiho Takeuchi, and together with Bakusen Tsuchida and others, he sought innovative expressions by incorporating Western realism into Japanese paintings. At the age of 32, he traveled to Europe, discovered Japanese and Chinese classics, and rediscovered "line drawings." After the war, there was a transition to painting methods that took full advantage of the beauty of Japanese painting materials such as mineral pigments. Throughout his life, he has expressed the beauty of nature with fresh colors.

  • 浅井忠浅井忠
  • 「グレーの秋(落葉)」1901年(東京国立博物館蔵)「グレーの秋(落葉)」1901年(東京国立博物館蔵)

Asai Chu, pioneer and educator of modern Western paintings
浅井 忠 近代洋画の先駆者そして教育者

Chu Asai was born in 1856. Entered Kobe Art School's painting department and studied under Italian teacher Fontanesi. Although he rejected Western paintings due to the nationalist ideology of the time, he contributed to the Meiji Bijutsukai in 1889 and played an active role as a central figure. He was also active in forming the Hakuba-kai and became a professor at the Western Painting Department at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. Two years later, he became a professor at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts, but moved to Europe on the orders of the Ministry of Education. During his stay in Paris, he created new oil painting and watercolor painting techniques that had never been seen before, leaving behind masterpieces. After returning to Japan, he remained active in the Kyoto Western Painting Association and worked to promote Kansai and the Western painting world.
浅井忠は1856年に佐倉藩の江戸屋敷に生まれ。神戸芸術学校絵画科に入学し、イタリア人教師フォンタネージに師事。当時の国家主義的思想で西洋絵画を排斥していたが、1889年の明治美術会に尽力し、中心人物として活躍しました。白馬会の結成、東京美術学校洋画科教授に就任。 2年後、東京美術学校教授に就任も、文部省の命令で渡欧。パリ滞在中にそれまでになかった新しい油彩画や水彩画の技法を生み出し、傑作を残しました。帰国後も京都洋画協会で活躍し、関西および洋画界の振興に努めました。

  • 梅原龍三郎「浅間山」1959年(東京国立近代美術館蔵)梅原龍三郎「浅間山」1959年(東京国立近代美術館蔵)
  • 安井曽太郎「奥入瀬の渓流」1933年(東京国立近代美術館蔵)安井曽太郎「奥入瀬の渓流」1933年(東京国立近代美術館蔵)

Umehara Ryuzaburo and Yasui Sotaro learned from Asai Chu

Ryuzaburo Umehara and Sotaro Yasui entered the Shogoin Western Painting Institute and both received instruction from Chu Asai. At the age of 20, Umehara traveled to France to study under the master artist Renoir, gaining the skills to create magnificent and extravagant works. Yasui also traveled to France at the age of 19, where he learned about light and bright colors from the works of Pissarro, and through exposure to the works of Cézanne and the meaning of realism, his desire for realism propelled his realistic expression.

  • 橋本雅邦橋本雅邦
  • 「龍虎図屏風」1895年(静嘉堂文庫美術館蔵)「龍虎図屏風」1895年(静嘉堂文庫美術館蔵)

Kawai Gyokudo's teacher Hashimoto Gaho

Gaho Hashimoto worked as a practical instructor at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts, and later as a director at the Japan Art Institute, where he also worked hard to teach younger artists such as Kawai Gyokudo. Gaho's teachings were not to force his own Kano school style of painting, but to allow each person to freely express their own talents and depict the beauty hidden within the subject. This work is a traditional painting theme of the Kano school, and is expressed in a realistic depiction unique to modern Gaho. It is also famous as the painting in which Gyokudo Kawai decided to become an apprentice to Gaho Hashimoto.

  • 川合玉堂川合玉堂
  • 「彩雨」1940年(東京国立近代美術館蔵) 「彩雨」1940年(東京国立近代美術館蔵) 

Kawai Gyokudo, a lover of nature

Gyokudo Kawai studied under Gyokusen Mochizuki in Kyoto, then joined the Taisei-Gi-kai and learned the Maruyama-Shijo school painting method. However, in 1895, at an exhibition in Kyoto, he encountered Gaho Hashimoto's ``Dragon and Tiger Folding Screen,'' and was deeply moved by its powerful lines and innovative use of color. I decided to study under Gaho Hashimoto. By learning the new Kano school painting method, students will acquire the breadth and depth of Japanese painting. In 1898, he joined the Nippon Bijutsuin, which was headed by Gaho Hashimoto, and continued to depict the climate of Japan by creating his own unique Japanese painting method, which seeks to blend color while preserving the lines that are the essence of Japanese painting.

  • 岡倉天心岡倉天心
  • 左から横山大観と菱田春草左から横山大観と菱田春草

Yokoyama Taikan, Hishida Shunso, and their teacher Okakura Tenshin
横山大観と菱田春草 そして師・岡倉天心

After the Meiji Restoration, there was a growing trend of nationalism. Ernest Fenollosa, who insisted on the superiority of Japanese painting, opened the Tokyo School of Fine Arts with Tenshin Okakura in 1889 in an effort to create new paintings. Yokoyama Taikan entered the school as a first-year student, and Hishida Shunso entered as a third-year student. Okakura taught traditional Japanese painting, focusing on the Kano school, and believed that ``art is an idea.It must live up to its ideals.If you go to sketching, art will decline.'' Taikan and Shunso put this into practice, and the two became masters of modern Japanese painting.

  • 横山大観「村童観猿翁」1893年(東京藝術大学大学美術館蔵)横山大観「村童観猿翁」1893年(東京藝術大学大学美術館蔵)
  • 菱田春草「羅浮仙」1901年(長野県立美術館蔵)菱田春草「羅浮仙」1901年(長野県立美術館蔵)

Two masters who played a major role in revolutionizing modern Japanese painting 近代日本画の革新に大きな役割を果たした二人

This is my graduation project from Tokyo School of Fine Arts. It is said that the old man playing the monkey wheel was likened to his teacher Gaho Hashimoto, and the 11 village children were drawn by imagining the faces of his classmates when they were children. This work highlights the uniqueness of Taikan's ideas.

  • 福江島の大瀬崎灯台福江島の大瀬崎灯台
  • 堂崎天主堂堂崎天主堂

Nagasaki Goto Hukue Dozaki Church
長崎 五島 福江島の堂﨑天主堂

The Goto Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture are located 100 kilometers west of Nagasaki Bay and consist of 152 islands of various sizes. Among them, Fukue Island, the largest of the Goto Islands, was the center of the Goto Domain during the Edo period and is still the central island that requires an airport. Fukue Island is home to Osezaki Lighthouse, a popular tourist destination.
In 1587, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's ban on Christianity began an era of suppression of Christianity, with many believers keeping their faith secret and becoming hidden Christians. St. John Goto, who was born in Fukue, was captured in Osaka and 26 people including him were martyred at Nishizaka, Nagasaki. In 1873, the ban on Christians was lifted, ending a 260-year history of oppression, and in 1908, the first Western-style red brick Gothic-style Dozaki Cathedral was completed, and is dedicated to 26 Japanese saints.

  • 平戸城から外海を望む平戸城から外海を望む
  • 田平天主堂田平天主堂

Nagasaki Hirado Tabira Church
長崎 平戸 田平天主堂

Nagasaki Prefecture has a long and narrow coastline running north to south and a rugged inland topography. It is a place rich in nature. Hirado, located in the north, had active trade with Portugal and the Netherlands during the Edo period. Francis Xavier first visited Hirado in 1549, and since then, missionary work has continued to spread through Jesuit missionaries. After that, many Christians were martyred in Nagasaki due to the oppression. Tabira Church, located in the hills south of Hirado City, was built in red brick in 1917 and was designated as an important cultural property in 2003.

  • 大浦天主堂大浦天主堂
  • 夜の長崎県美術館夜の長崎県美術館

Church and Museum 教会と美術館
Oura Church and Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum

Oura Church is the oldest remaining Christian church in Japan, built in 1864. It is dedicated to the 26 saints who were martyred on Nishizaka Hill in 1597, and is built facing Nishizaka, the site of their martyrdom. In addition, the beautiful stained glass inside the hall is said to be the oldest in Japan and is from the time it was renovated in 1879, except for when it was repaired due to damage caused by the atomic bomb.

  • 富山市ガラス美術館富山市ガラス美術館
  • 富山県美術館富山県美術館

Two major museums in Toyama that you should visit
Toyama Glass Art Museum and Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art

A medicine seller in Toyama with a history of over 300 years. From medicine bottles to the current “Glass Town Toyama” Our glass-making efforts have led to the establishment of the Toyama City Glass Art Museum and the promotion of art. The museum's collection includes works by artists from Japan and around the world, including masters Stanislav Libensky, Roslavy Burifva, and Harvey K. Littleton, allowing you to enjoy their sculptural beauty. The Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art is adjacent to Kansui Park, which is a place of relaxation for citizens on the north side of Toyama Station, and there is a children's park on the roof. It is an art museum that appeals to a wide range of people, including a playground. The collection includes Henri Matisse, Kandinsky, Joan Miró, Andy Warhol, Works by popular modern artists from Japan and abroad, such as Shinro Otake, are collected here.

  • 参拝者でにぎわう善光寺参拝者でにぎわう善光寺
  • 東山魁夷館/長野県立美術館東山魁夷館/長野県立美術館

Temple and Museum 寺と美術館
Zenkoji Temple and Higashiyama Kaii gallery

Zenkoji is said to be the home of Zenkoji in Nagano, and is visited by many people from all over the country every year. The adjacent Higashiyama Kaii Museum of the Nagano Prefectural Museum of Art also has many works owned by Higashiyama, so it is definitely worth a visit.

  • 土門拳記念館土門拳記念館
  • 植田正治写真美術館植田正治写真美術館

Museum of Japan's leading photographers
「Ken Domon Museum of Photography」「Shoji Ueda Museum of Photography」

Ken Domon is “Beautiful things and visible things will always be photographed.” “You can only say that a photograph has been taken when you see it with your own eyes and it is engrained in your heart.” He is one of Japan's leading photographers of realism, with words such as: In addition to press photography, he also liked temples and Buddhist statues. His representative works include 『Pilgrimage to an Old Temple』. Ken Domon Memorial Museum is located next to Iimoriyama Park in Sakata City of Yamagata, his birthplace, and is surrounded by its natural environment and art museum. They are all one. Designed by Yoshio Taniguchi.
Shoji Ueda is He is one of Japan's leading photographers who has spent his entire life in the shadow of the mountains, placing emphasis on subjectivity and direction. He is a world-renowned photographer, including a recipient of the French Order of Arts and Letters. He preferred familiar subjects such as the scenery of the San'in region and children, and continued to challenge new expressions such as expressing people as objects. The Shoji Ueda Museum of Photography is located at the foot of the vast mountain of Tottori Daisen, where the surrounding nature and its modern buildings are mysteriously integrated. The designer is Shin Takamatsu.

  • 宍道湖から望む島根県立美術館宍道湖から望む島根県立美術館
  • 籔内佐斗司「宍道湖うさぎ」/島根県立美術館籔内佐斗司「宍道湖うさぎ」/島根県立美術館


Lake Shinji is a representative lake in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, and its sunsets are so spectacular that it has been selected as one of Japan's top 100 views. Located on the shores of Lake Shinji, the Shimane Prefectural Museum of Art, designed by Japan's leading architect Kiyonori Kikutake, is a building inspired by the ocean's waves, making it seem as if the lake surface and the museum are one. Twelve rabbits are running along the shore of the lake towards the surface of the lake.
宍道湖は島根県松江を代表する湖で、夕陽の景観の素晴らしさは日本百景に選ばれているほどです。その宍道湖の湖畔で、日本を代表する建築家 菊竹清訓が設計した島根県立美術館は、波打ち際のなぎさをイメージされた建物でまるで湖面と美術館が一体となっているようです。その湖畔を、12羽のうさぎが湖面に向かって走り出しています。

  • 1941年「盛岡風景」/岩手県立美術館 図録より1941年「盛岡風景」/岩手県立美術館 図録より
  • 岩手県立美術館岩手県立美術館

Shunsuke Matsumoto and IWATE MUSEUM OF ART

Shunsuke Matsumoto was born in Tokyo in 1912 and spent his junior high school years in Morioka. The era was a harsh time of war and defeat, and I think he was a rare painter who learned about world art trends and expressed his inner self through oil paintings without having to study abroad. Many of Shunsuke Matsumoto's masterpieces are in the collection of the Iwate Prefectural Museum of Art, and among them, ``Scenery of Morioka'' is a recommended work as it depicts the gentle and majestic Morioka where he spent his childhood.

  • 宇都宮美術館とクレス・オルデンバーグ「中身に支えられたチューブ」宇都宮美術館とクレス・オルデンバーグ「中身に支えられたチューブ」
  • 那須芦野・石の美術館 STONE PLAZA那須芦野・石の美術館 STONE PLAZA

Stone and Museum 石と美術館

Both Oya stone, which belongs to the pumice tuff produced in the Oya district of Tochigi Prefecture, and Ashino stone, which belongs to the dacite slate produced in Nasu, have been used in many buildings. The Utsunomiya Museum of Art and Stone Plaza in the prefecture are representative of this. The Utsunomiya Museum of Art, which was built to commemorate the city's 100th anniversary and is surrounded by a vast forest, is a place of relaxation where you can experience culture and art rich in nature. In Japan, we have many valuable works such as skiing by Shunsuke Matsumoto, Masaaki Yamada, Masanari Murai, and Genichiro Inokuma. "Nasu Ashino STONE PLAZA" was completed in 2000 by remodeling an existing stone storehouse into a museum using local Ashino stone by architect Kengo Kuma. In September 2001, the building itself, which won the International Grand Prize for Stone Architecture, is a work of art.
栃木県の大谷地区から産出される軽石凝灰岩に属する大谷石、那須町から産出される石英安山岩に属する芦野石は共に多くの建築物に使われて来ました。その代表となるのが県内にある「宇都宮美術館」と「石の美術館」です。市制100周年を記念し1997年に造られ、広大な森に囲まれた「宇都宮美術館」は、自然豊かで文化芸術にふれる憩いの場所となっています。コレクションは20世紀を代表するマグリット、シャガール、カンディンスキーなど、国内では松本竣介、山田正亮、村井正誠、猪熊弦一郎など貴重な作品が多く所蔵されています。「那須芦野・石の美術館 STONE PLAZA」は2000年に既存の石蔵を、建築家・隈研吾が、蔵自体を地元の芦野石を使い美術館に作り替え完成させました。2001年9月、国際石材建築大賞も受賞しており、建物自体が芸術品です。

  • オフィス街にある植物園は「緑のオアシス」オフィス街にある植物園は「緑のオアシス」
  • 北海道立近代美術館北海道立近代美術館

Botanical garden and Museum 植物園と美術館
Hokkaido University Botanical Garden and Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art

The Botanical Garden of Hokkaido University has 4,000 kinds of plants on a vast land of 13.3 hectares. In the park, there are six museums built in the Meiji period that are designated as cultural assets, and you can enjoy a stroll through a time slip. At the end of the Meiji era, the Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, whose main features are the 'Ecole de Paris' and 'Glass Crafts', began to seriously guide the collection of paintings. For this reason, the flowering of the École de Paris in France at the same time has become the core of the museum's collection. Pasquin, Chagall, Modigliani, Kisling and others are the pillars of the collection. Since its opening in 1977, the museum has focused on collecting glass crafts, and has collected a large number of modern glass sculptures such as Emile Gallé, who represents Art Nouveau art, and Rene Lalique, who represents Art Deco style.

  • 大型掘立柱建物/三内丸山遺跡大型掘立柱建物/三内丸山遺跡
  • 奈良美智「あおもり犬」/青森県立美術館奈良美智「あおもり犬」/青森県立美術館

Ruins and Museums 遺跡と美術館
Sannai Maruyama Ruins and Aomori Museum of Art

The Sannai-Maruyama Site is the site of a large-scale settlement from the early to middle Jomon period. Aomori Prefecture has also produced many unique painters such as Shiko Munakata and Yoshitomo Nara. The Aomori Museum of Art, which houses many of their works, and the Sannai-Maruyama ruins are adjacent to each other, making it a must-visit spot when you visit.

  • 旭川デザインセンターにて旭川デザインセンターにて
  • 「行列」三木俊治/北海道立旭川美術館「行列」三木俊治/北海道立旭川美術館

Furniture and Museums 家具と美術館
Asahikawa Furniture and Hokkaido Asahikawa Museum of Art

Asahikawa Furniture has a large selection of furniture with beautiful wood grains that uses wood such as spruce, hiba, beech, and maple that represent Hokkaido, and the Asahikawa Design Center in the center of the city has permanent booths of about 30 manufacturers. It can be said that it is a museum of furniture that introduces unique designs and how to use them.
At the Asahikawa Museum of Art, located in the vast Tokiwa Park in the center of the city, Toshiharu Miki's sculpture "Procession" is impressive.

  • 黒部市から望む立山連峰黒部市から望む立山連峰
  • 黒部市美術館黒部市美術館

Mountain and Museum 山と美術館
Tateyama mountain and Kurobe City Art Museum

Toyama Prefecture is blessed with natural scenery, and the beauty of the Tateyama Mountain Range is particularly outstanding. The Kurobe City Art Museum overlooks the Tateyama mountain range with Toyama Bay in the background, and is characterized by its calm exterior with a copper roof. The exhibition room has an open space, and it is a place of relaxation where you can see the nature of the four seasons.

  • 関門海峡関門海峡
  • 北九州市立美術館 本館北九州市立美術館 本館

Straits and Museum 海峡と美術館
Kanmon Straits and Kitakyushu City Museum of Art 

The Kanmon Strait is a strait that separates Shimonoseki on Honshu and Kitakyushu on Kyushu. Moreover, it is also a key point where 1,000 ships pass through in a day. In Kokura, on the Kyushu side of the strait, there is the Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art Annex, and on the hillside there is the distinctive large appearance of the Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art Main Building.

  • 大通りの先に見える姫路城大通りの先に見える姫路城
  • 姫路市立美術館姫路市立美術館

castle and museum 城と美術館
Himeji Castle and Himeji City Museum of Art 姫路城と姫路市立美術館

When you exit Himeji Station, you can see the magnificent Himeji Castle ahead of the main street. Himeji Castle, also known as White Heron Castle, was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1993 for the first time in Japan. The Himeji City Museum of Art is a red brick building located in Sannomaru, built in 1905 as an army warehouse, and later used as the city hall before being reborn as the museum today. It opened in April 1983. The museum has a wide variety of collections, from local painters such as the works of Sakai Hoitsu, whose brother was the lord of Himeji Domain Sakai Tadamochi, to modern Western art such as the Kunitomi Keizo Collection.


  • 烏城といわれる岡山城烏城といわれる岡山城
  • 岡山県立美術館岡山県立美術館

castle and museum 城と美術館
OkayamaCastle and Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art

Take the tram from Okayama Station and get off at Shiroshita Station. You will arrive at Okayama Castle after about 5 minutes ride time. Okayama Castle, also known as Crow Castle, is a black lacquered flat mountain castle, and is the opposite of Himeji Castle's Shirasagi Castle. The Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art is in a triangular position across Okayama Castle and Korakuen is across Asahikawa. The museum houses many artists with connections to the prefecture, including Chikkyo Ono, who was born in Kasaoka, Okayama Prefecture, and Yasuo Kuniyoshi, who was born in Okayama City.


  • 福山城が聳える福山城が聳える
  • ふくやま美術館ふくやま美術館

castle and museum 城と美術館
FukuyamaCastle and FUKUYAMAMUSEUM OF ART 福山城とふくやま美術館

When you exit the north exit of Fukuyama Station, which is the eastern entrance to Hiroshima Prefecture, Fukuyama Castle is right in front of you. That should be it, Fukuyama Station seems to have been built by filling the inner moat of Fukuyama Castle. Fukuyama Castle is a flat mountain castle made up of three-tiered stone walls, and is a gigantic five-storied castle tower. The Fukuyama Museum of Art is located in the Fukuyama Castle Park at its feet, and has a large collection of works from both inside and outside Japan, including works by Koyo Omura, who was born in Fukuyama City.


  • 木曽川からみえる富士山木曽川からみえる富士山
  • 一宮市立三岸節子記念美術館一宮市立三岸節子記念美術館

river and museum 川と美術館

Ichinomiya City in Aichi Prefecture, the birthplace of Setsuko Migishi, has prospered as a town in front of Masumida Shrine, as the name suggests.
"ICHINOMIYA CITY MEMORIAL ART MUSEUM of SETSUKO MIGISHI" is about 15 minutes by bus from Ichinomiya Station, and get off at "MUSEUM of SETSUKO MIGISHI". From there, you can reach the Kiso River in about 15 minutes on foot to the west, and the promenade along the river is a pleasant place to walk.
Setsuko Migishi is famous as a pioneer as a female Western-style painter, and many works depicting France and Spain are stored in the museum.


  • おだやかな天竜川おだやかな天竜川
  • 浜松市秋野不矩美術館は建築家・藤森照信の設計です浜松市秋野不矩美術館は建築家・藤森照信の設計です

river and museum 川と美術館
Tenryu River and Akino Fuku Museum 天竜川と浜松市秋野不矩美術館

Futamata, where the Akino Fuku Museum is located, is famous for Futamata Castle.Takeda Shingen and Tokugawa Ieyasu fought a fierce battle over this castle, and it is also the castle where Ieyasu's son Nobuyasu committed seppuku.About 40 minutes from Hamamatsu on the Entetsu Line. Get off at Nishi-Kashima Station and walk north for about 15 minutes until you see the Tenryu River.It is a delta surrounded by the Tenryu River and the Futamata River, and the ruins of Futamata Castle are located on a small mountain that rises from the river.And if you go further northeast, you will see the Akino Fuku Museum.Fuku Akino is a painter from his hometown of Futamata, who traveled to India 14 times in his lifetime and continued to paint the people, land, and gods of India.The first time I went to India was in 1962, when I was 54 years old. In 1999, when Fukoku was 91 years old, it was the last transfer.


  • 美術館の庭園から相模湾を望む美術館の庭園から相模湾を望む
  • 神奈川県立近代美術館 葉山館神奈川県立近代美術館 葉山館

sea and museum 海と美術館
The Museum of Modern Art, Hayama 神奈川県近代美術館 葉山館

Hayama, where the Museum of Modern Art in Kanagawa Prefecture is located.From Isshiki Beach where the museum is located, you can clearly see Mt. Fuji,You can enjoy a leisurely time while watching the boats sail slowly through Sagami Bay.In the neighborhood, there is an imperial villa that serves as a villa for the imperial family.Also, next to Isshiki Beach, there is Morito Shrine, which is famous as a power spot in Hayama.Morito Shrine has a history of 800 years and has long been famous as a god of marriage.Next door is Hayama Marina, which is also famous as a mecca for marine sports.


  • 美術館の屋上テラスより海を望む美術館の屋上テラスより海を望む
  • 横須賀美術館横須賀美術館

sea and museum 海と美術館

From the Yokosuka Museum of Art, you can slowly see the large ships sailing in Tokyo Bay.You can see the Boso Peninsula in the distance.The Yokosuka Museum of Art is located in the natural forest of Kannonzaki overlooking Tokyo Bay, and Kannonzaki Park has many attractions such as the Kannonzaki Lighthouse and the ruins of a battery.It is a natural park where silence spreads as you walk along the tree-lined paths in the park.The Yokosuka Museum of Art has a rich collection, including works by Kanemon Asai and Rokuro Taniuchi, who are familiar to the locals.Many works depicting the "sea" and modern Japanese works are collected. Please go there.


  • 出典:「ggg Books別冊-3 山名文夫」出典:「ggg Books別冊-3 山名文夫」
  • 資生堂企業広告:新聞(私の美人像シリーズ)1979年資生堂企業広告:新聞(私の美人像シリーズ)1979年

Pen and Ink ペンとインク
designer Ayao Yamana デザイナー山名文夫

Ayao Yamana says, "High class, sophisticated, no falsification, novelty, and tradition. I was constantly trained in my senses, not only in my work, but in this environment." At that time, Shiseido had already established designs using French-style arabesque patterns. As you can see from Shinzo Fukuhara's word "rich," making cosmetics requires a high degree of elegance and beauty as a job that creates beauty. In 1936, Yamana was reinstated at the request of Shiseido's president, Shinzo Fukuhara, and inherited that philosophy, contributing to the establishment of Shiseido's corporate image.

1897年 広島生まれ
1916年 和歌山県立和歌山中学卒業 大阪へ転居 赤松洋画研究所に通う
1923年 プラント社で山六郎のイラスト、レタリングを学ぶ
1929年 資生堂入社 意匠部員に
1931年 東京広告美術協会を結成
1932年 資生堂を退社して34年名取洋之助主宰の日本工房に入る
1936年 資生堂に再復帰
1948年 資生堂宣伝文化部の嘱託に、以後宣伝制作室長、顧問として同社に関わる
1972年 資生堂創業100年記念新聞広告のイラストを制作
1980年 82歳で逝去

  • 出典:「余白を生きる ―甦る女流天才画家」桂ゆき/清流出版出典:「余白を生きる ―甦る女流天才画家」桂ゆき/清流出版
  • 1938年「おしゃれなゲジゲジ」北九州市立美術館所蔵1938年「おしゃれなゲジゲジ」北九州市立美術館所蔵

「画家と作家」 桂ゆき

東京千駄木生まれ 本名雪子
1966年 第7回現代日本美術展で最優秀賞受賞し、70年代後半からコルクや板によるコラージュ作品を多く手掛けた。